Client: Revo
Product: Revo Sun glasses
Athlete: Jimmy Chin
Location: Smith Rock, OR
Agency: Factory Design Labs
ECD: Andrew Price
AD: Amy Kitts
AB: Heather Levine
Producer: Steve Dolden of MKUltra Productions
High Rez Comps: Rod McLean
Final Retouching: Elizabeth Riley
It was an amazing experience working with Jimmy Chin, Factory Design Labs, and Revo at Smith Rock, in Bend OR. The tech scout was awesome, we would all look at the layouts then I would go in one direction, Andrew (ECD Factory Design labs) a different direction, and Jimmy another, 45mins later we would regroup and compare locations. Of course Jimmy’s were always the most difficult to shoot from and Andrew shoots these beautiful, super wide shots that were a bit of a challenge to reproduce the way I shoot but some of my favorite final images, and yeah one or two of my locations made the cut. The collaboration was awesome but the best part for me was to get to ask all of the, “how the hell did you get that shot?” questions. Check out his work at and you will see what I mean.

And of course some random out-takes

Rod McLean is a renowned commercial and advertising photographer, specialized in active lifestyle, sports, and portrait images.
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